Compilation and publication online funded by the US National Science Foundation, Ocean Science division grant 9811481. Printed publication supported by BP.
Full citation information for this volume:
Orsi, A. H., and T. Whitworth III, 2005. Hydrographic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). Volume 1: Southern Ocean
(eds. M. Sparrow, P. Chapman and J. Gould), International WOCE Project Office, Southampton, U.K., ISBN 0-904175-49-9.
Cover Picture:
The photo on the front cover was kindly supplied by Manuela Bassoi. It was taken in the region of the Melchior Islands, Dallman Bay, Antarctic Peninsula in February, 1999 from the Brazilian Polar research ship Almirante Ary Dos Santos Rongel during the Brazilian Antarctic Operation XVII.
Cover design:
Signature Design in association with the atlas editors, Principal Investigators and BP.